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The Mind

Unlocking minds refers to the process of unleashing your potential by elevating your critical skills and competencies for professional success. 


We unlock minds, and ignite growth in a new, inspiring and effective way.


At the Mind-Hustle international book club we explore key skills for growth by learning from experts in the field, sharing stories and case studies and reflecting on our own experiences and learning from the experiences of others. 


The Mind-Hustle is an extremely time and cost efficient way to learn and accelerate your success in business and in life. Learn, reflect and network with our international members. 



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The Hustle

Hustle refers to having the courage, the confidence, the will and determination to work hard to get what you want in life. Mind-Hustle is about enhancing your mental agility, your knowledge and skills to elevate your performance and success at work.  


At Mind-Hustle we focus on critical skills for personal growth, collaboration and team performance. 


We cover 

  • Critical Thinking

  • Personal Mastery

  • Communication & Influence

  • The Art of Team Playing


These skills are critical to achieve personal, team and organisational growth. 


Each topic is covered by 2-3 books from recognised writers in the field. Prior to each meeting you read and reflect on specific sections of the books we use in our book club. During our meetings we deep dive, challenge, share experiences, reflect, gain insight and learn together. Our discussions are rich, focussed and directly applicable to your work. 


Your learning and professional growth through our Mind-Hustle book club is significant, with minimal time away from your daily duties. 


We run bookclubs inhouse for organisations and amongst people who are keen to learn, reflect together across industries and organisations. 



Marjolyn Oudakker


Marjolyn is founder and director of the Mind-Hustle Book Club. Inspirational, passionate and an experienced coach, she optimises your learning experience. 


She has taught at the Nottingham Business School, she is a Global HR Director and Strategic Consultant. Today her focus is on supporting individuals and organisations to find their place in the ever changing landscape of work and organisations. She believes that core skills like critical thinking, self-mastery, communication and collaboration will give both individuals and organisations a strong foundation for success in a changing and demanding environment. 


"In the future of work it is not about mastering a specific action or task, but about having the capacity to apply knowledge, skills and insights to different contexts and situations.  I believe active engagement, self-reflection, peer discussions, and case studies are the best learning tools. The book club offers exactly that!"

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